Pinhole Movie Reviews

The Lego Movie by tincolor

Everyone who is hot in Hollywood today stars in this film about Lego men and women and the evil Lego man that only want things built according to the instruction manual for reasons that only become clear during the last third of the film at precisely the same time when you might feel like you need a break from all the non-stop frenetic, hectic, out your mind kinetic action, and coincidentally ALSO at precisely the same time when you may find yourself pleasantly surprised to discover that there’s a twist that’s heartwarming and cute and a little bit like a nudge in the shoulder and a wink out of the corner of the eye, but it also doesn’t really make sense logically, so if that’s gonna bother you then just don’t want the movie, but if your nine years old or you just want to watch a kids movie about Legos, then get ready to enjoy incredible production design and some of the best action sequences that have ever been realized on the screen! (Phew! That’s a long sentence. But to to prove my point, The Lego Movie is a pretty exhausting experience that often feels like you are watching an fast-paced movie that’s been speed up to test limits of human comprehension.) Worth checking out.
