Pinhole Movie Reviews

The Dark Knight Rises by tincolor

Christian Bale puts on his cape and mask one last time and teams up with cat burglar Anne Hathaway in a last ditch effort to stop madman Tom Hardy from destroying Gotham City. At this point in time it feels like no one needs or wants a recommendation for this film, so, I write to a younger generation, a generation that will grow up watching this long, generally boring and one-note action flick on DVD or whatever. Christopher Nolan seems incapable of creating any sense of suspense or expectation in his films. Watching DNR is like barreling down a steep mountain road in a Lamborghini that has had its breaks cut and its accelerator taped down to the floor.  You can’t really hear anything because the sound of the engine is deafening, and so much is zipping by you so quickly that can’t focus on anything that isn’t life or death important. Still at least you’re in a Lamborghini. Watchable.

Harry and Tonto by tincolor
July 31, 2012, 3:38 am
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Art Carney gets kicked out of his New York apartment and decides to travel west, visiting his children in various cities along the way and learning the lesson that it’s never too late for new beginnings. The first half of this movie is so sweet, so heartwarming that it’s just too much to bear. But the second half really picks up momentum and finishes of with a satisfying and surprisingly realistic conclusion. Worth checking out.

The Dark Knight Rises by William
July 30, 2012, 9:19 pm
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Batman and Bane face off in a weird-talking showdown. Mostly, this movie just filled me with despair.  Watching civilization crumble in a parade of awfulness somehow makes it less satisfying when we do see bad guys receive their comeuppance. Also, nobody seems to be having fun unless it’s in deriving sick pleasure from something or other. Anyway, Worth Checking Out.

Towelhead by Thomas
July 27, 2012, 12:20 pm
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A young half-Lebanese girl is transplanted to Texas, where she must cope with puberty, racist slurs, sexual abuse, and a cruel, repressive father — who is also super annoying to watch! In fact, he’s not the only one; it’s awkward performances and stupid lines all around. Alan Ball may have had a decent idea at first, something about Islam and female sexuality, but it turns ludicrous real fast. Barely watchable.


Harvey by Thomas
July 25, 2012, 7:09 pm
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Jimmy Stewart is an alcoholic with a kind and gentle soul — who happens to be friends with a giant, invisible, talking rabbit.  This movie has a broad comedy exterior but delves into supernatural social commentary “as the evening wears on.”  Stewart’s performance is subtle and inspired: it elevates the slapstick plot into the realm of pure genius.  I’m sure everyone’s already seen this — nevertheless, it’s Required Viewing.


Cannabis by tincolor
July 25, 2012, 2:59 pm
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Serge Gainsbourg is an American(?) gangster on the run in Paris with his severely depressed and certifiably nuts lover Jane Birkin. Have you visited Serge Gainsbourg’s grave? Is your favorite music the music of Serge Gainsbourg? Do you collect photos of Serge Gainsbourg? No of course not, who is obsessed that much with Serge Gainsbourg? (I am) Seriously, besides this having a killer soundtrack, there really is no reason to see this basically unwatchable mess of a film.

Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus by tincolor
July 25, 2012, 1:21 pm
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Executive Decision by tincolor

Kurt Russell, Steven Seagal, Halle Berry, John Leguizamo, Oliver Platt and David Suchet (Damn, who isn’t in this movie), all pile on to an airplane and do an action movie. Like The Hunt for Red October, The Rock and of course Air Force One, the appeal of this movie is that it all takes place in extremely close quarters. And that set up is OK, and the execution is legitimately suspenseful at points, but still, it just feels a little too typical. A low worth checking out.

Tonari no Totoro / My Neighbor Totoro by tincolor
July 25, 2012, 1:15 pm
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Two sisters and their father move into a Japanese country side inhabited by giant stuffed animals. There’s no real conflict in the movie, no “bad guy” no evil corporation/government, it’s just kids being kids and getting upset about the things that kids get upset about. It all adds up to something refreshingly pure and definitely worth watching.

Big Fish by William
July 25, 2012, 3:33 am
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A guy who kind of looks like that guy from Batman Begins and Inception has a strained relationship with his father after hearing one too many of said father’s tall tales. But once his elderly father starts to be ailing, the son re-examines the stories, discovering that in flashbacks his father was Ewan McGregor, and that there was some element of truth in the stories, or maybe they revealed a larger truth? That was a long summary. I didn’t mind this movie. It is pretty Tim Burton-y. For example, it contains Helena Bonham Carter. On the other hand, as my summary reveals, it is hard to figure out what this movie is “about.” Watchable.