Pinhole Movie Reviews

Diner by tincolor

Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern, Mickey Rourke, Kevin Bacon, Timothy Daly, and Paul Reiser are the guys that frequent the titular diner in a film about a group of friends coming to terms with what it means to grow up, settle down and get married.  Set in 1959, this is a film as much about the era as it is about its characters. I imagine part of this film’s appeal is its excellent art direction, but no matter how pretty and nostalgic everything looks on screen, when most of your characters are jerks, it’s hard to get too into the film. In many ways, the East Cost version of American Graffiti. Watchable, maybe worth checking out.


X-Men First Class by tincolor

X-Men First Class. This was actually pretty decent. I like how the director melded the style of Bond super villains from the 60s with the idea of mutants. If only all the characters didn’t have a line that starts, “And my power is….” (Surprisingly) Worth watching.