Pinhole Movie Reviews

The Kids are All Right (2010) by tincolor

Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are a married lesbian couple with two children. When their daughter turns 18th, she decides to find their biological father, who is only aware that he donated sperm once. At first he seems like a cool guy and everyone is happy until the screenwriters decide that this movie needs some conflict! at which point the adults start making unbelievably stupid decisions and the kids just kind of shut down. This isn’t the social-issue film I thought it was going to be, and despite some preachiness in the second half, I have to say, I enjoyed it. Strong performances all around. Worth checking out.


Stoker by tincolor

Park Chan-wook directs Mia Wasikowska, Mathew Goode and Nicole Kidman in this thriller about dysfunctional and potentially criminally insane relatives that come together after a death in the family. Apparently, the basic premise of this film is very similar to Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt, which I haven’t seen, but even still, this does feel like it could have been a Hitchcock film if Hitchcock didn’t always demand that the “good guy” triumph in the end or even that there be a “good guy” in the film at all. Creepy, stylish and suspenseful, but in the end, probably not a whole lot going on below the surface. Also, surprisingly not about vampires. Worth checking out.


Only Lovers Left Alive by jaemskeray

Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston are married vampires, having been alive and married for a very long time, the movie meets their story in the modern day.  Our protagonists’s main problem is that humans have contaminated their own blood, so vampires, most of whom have died off, must go to extreme measures to get the blood purified.  Because they cannot age, the characters are stuck in a certain emotional state forever: Adam, the manpire, sulks and is a social recluse, and Eve, the girlpire, has a glass-half-full outlook on life (and that glass is full of blood!!!!).  Its a very romantic relationship they have, their personalities are two sides of the same coin.  The story moves intentionally slow at first, reflecting their long and meandering existence.  But despite the film’s circuitous nature, I highly enjoyed it.  As I watched, I felt a sense that this vampire movie is kinda different than others in its romanticism.  Worth Watching.